Bluestockings Magazine Issue 4 Fundraiser


Blue·stock·ing n. a person with strong scholarly or literary interests; in the past this term was used derogatorily towards educated women.

is the first feminist-minded publication based at Brown. We write (about) issues from a gender-aware and intersectional perspective. We believe feminism is not a rigid set of guidelines or restrictive beliefs, but instead contains a fluid spectrum of definitions that can be negotiated through the creative process. It is a malleable perspective that is both personal and public. We will not try to answer the question, “What is feminism,” but rather, “What can feminism be?” We believe feminism can be a generative process that has relevant and productive ties to every other area of study. We openly accept and encourage submissions from a range of backgrounds and identities. We accept work from every genre, including fiction, nonfiction, poetry, visual art, comedy, and academic writing focusing on culture, politics, sex, and health.


We believe in the power of the tactile, printed word. We need your support in order to print Bluestockings. The money from this CauseVox campaign will be solely used to pay for printing a 60+ page, bounded publication with color pages for artwork.

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